BBQ Travel

Starting Over

January 20, 2025

Good afternoon everyone. I know that it has been some time since we actively posted about our BBQ travels. Well, we haven’t been traveling much. Originally Covid shut everything down. Once the restrictions were lifted, we tried to visit some restaurants for reviewing. The problem we ran into then was the businesses were not able to get the quality meats they needed to put out an excellent product. I just didn’t feel right doing reviews on restaurants when they were struggling to stay alive. With that in mind, we just quit doing reviews.

So now I’m wondering if we should try to get this site up and running again. My wife, Tammy believes we should. I’m not totally sure. We really did enjoy doing the blog and meeting all the people we came across, not to mention some awesome food. I also have to re-learn how to use my website.

I’m going to give it a try. There is a local business about to open up a new location. I have been watching them and think I’ll try to restart my blog with their opening. That should be soon. Tammy and I will be working out a list of places to try out. Some we have been to and some we have not. Our visits will be slower than in the past. We’re thinking one or two a month. The exception would be if we take a trip and visit several locations.

Let me know.

Please let me know what your thoughts are. I’d appreciate any comments and your thoughts on whether we should go forward with this or not. I look forward to hearing from you. Really curious if my followers are still around.

And don’t forget to be watching for my first, in a long time, review coming soon. Thank you all.

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