VA BBQ Restaurants

Q Daddy’s BBQ, Smithfield, VA

February 16, 2017
Q Daddy's BBQ

We noticed Q Daddy’s BBQ one day while out Christmas shopping. Checking on them we found out they weren’t open for business yet. The best we could find out was that they were trying to open the first of the year. We checked on line the other day and found out that they had opened so we decided to head over to Smithfield for lunch. Turns out they had only been open for three days. This is too cool, catching a brand new business. So here we go.

Where’s Q Daddy’s BBQ Located?

Q Daddy’s BBQ is located on Church Street in Smithfield, VA. They are just outside of the historic district. It’s just one turn off of Route 10 / 258 towards the business district if coming from Suffolk or Newport News area.

The Restaurant and Staff:

Q Daddy's BBQ

Pitmaster Jesse Witten

Q Daddy’s BBQ has seating for about 50 people inside. Everything was very clean and orderly. Like I said, this was only their 3rd day open. The first person to greet us was the Pitmaster, Jesse Witten, as he was slicing brisket. Tammy was drooling over some burnt ends he was cutting off, he offered her a taste. Yep, she was sold. Everyone down the line was very friendly and polite. The restaurant has pictures of old Smithfield on the walls. The décor is very pleasing.

We showed up at 11:50 am and went right up to the counter. I’m so glad we were a couple of minutes early. While we were there the lunch rush hit. The line went out the door. It was amazing to see such support on their 3rd day. The parking lot was filling fast as were the tables. Fortunately a lot of orders were to go. They kept the line moving and everyone seemed happy even though they had to wait in line. So far we were very pleased.

Our Choices at Q Daddy’s BBQ:

Brisket at Q Daddy's BBQ

Brisket with Broccoli Salad and Mac & Cheese.

The menu at Q Daddy’s BBQ is a little limited right now. It doesn’t have plates or platters on it yet. So everything we ordered was an individual item.

Tammy ordered Brisket without the bun. The sample Jesse gave her was all it took to convince her to get that. For sides she chose Broccoli Salad and Mac & Cheese, both homemade. Now I can say that this brisket is some of the best in our area. And there is some good brisket in our area so Q Daddy’s BBQ is in the running with some good company. Their brisket has an excellent smoke flavor and a nice smoke ring. It was moist and tender too. Tammy loved her broccoli salad, I didn’t try it. I did get a taste of her mac & cheese and it was wonderful. Rich and Creamy.

Pulled Pork with Fresh Cut Fries and Baked Beans.

I had the Pulled Pork without the bun with Fresh Cut Fries and Baked Beans. The fries were excellent. I love fresh cut fries anyway. They cut theirs fresh each day. The baked beans were really good too. They had sort of a sweet molasses base with a really good taste. I don’t know what all was in them but they were good. The pork wasn’t disappointing either. It had a great smoke and dry rub flavor with a very light sauce. It was a little like a VA style but not overdone. Seemed to have just enough sauce to help keep the meat moist. Yes they nailed the pork too. When asked on Facebook what style bbq they serve their response was: “Western North Carolina, northern Georgia, eastern Tennessee with a Memphis overtone”. That’s a quote from the Q Daddy’s BBQ Facebook page.


I did try the Awesome Sauce. It was a type of mustard sauce, very good. I did eat most of my meat without added sauce. Tammy used some of this sauce with her brisket and loved it. She also enjoyed dipping a few of my fries in it. We have actually made a return visit and split a basket of fries on the second visit. Tammy just used the Awesome Sauce for her fries.


Also on our second trip to Q Daddy’s BBQ we tried the Apple Crisp with Ice Cream. It was wonderful and homemade. I have to say though that I believe it to be a little on the high priced end.

Final Thoughts:

So what do I think of this three day old business? I think that Q Daddy’s BBQ is off to a great start. The food and the people are wonderful. I do hope they get a better menu worked out with some plates and/or platters. On our second visit I did double up on the meat. I was going to get brisket and pulled pork but Tammy got the last order of brisket they had for that day. Double meat, a shared basket of fries, and one side was a pretty good meal. It may have been a little expensive but everything tasted wonderful. Since it is pretty easy for us to run over to Smithfield from home, I truly hope this place does great. I’m still looking forward to my own order of brisket and to see the ribs get added to the menu. We’ll keep checking in on you.

Now For Your Thoughts:

How about some of your thoughts. Did you have a good experience at Q Daddy’s BBQ? Good people? Good food? Or not. Let us know how you visit went.

What do you regulars think?

I’ve read some of the comments on Facebook. I hope we get the opportunity to hear from some of the regulars for this post. What makes you think these guys are awesome? Give us some feedback and let everyone see how you feel. This is your chance to show your support for Q Daddy’s BBQ.

I look forward to hearing from you. Send in your comments and I’ll get them posted as soon as possible.


I always encourage you to share this review on Facebook and other social media sites. Follow us on Facebook to see where else we go.


You can check out their website at:

You can also find them on Facebook at:

You’ll get more info from their Facebook page. The website is new and still under construction.


Enjoy the ride, good eating and thanks for stopping by.

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  • Reply Dan T February 22, 2017 at 8:54 pm

    Ive been to Lockhart, Tx and all over the US getting bbq everywhere I go new. Jesse is my best friend, his bbq is in my top 3 and I like Texas bbq. I can only echo what your review said, except the part about the Awesome Sauce having a mustard base, i dont believe it does because it has a hilarious story behind it. Just go again get the Ribs this time (theyre awesome too) and ask Jesse for the story. Also ask him about his spicy sauce that wins the trophies. You couldnt have found a better place to enjoy bbq from a Veteran.

    • Reply Patrick February 22, 2017 at 9:44 pm

      Dan…Thanks for your input. I do appreciate readers adding their comments. Probably what I was referring to with the sauce was that it wasn’t your typical tomato base or NC vinegar sauce. Most of the time I don’t use sauce so I can taste the meat. I normally just lightly sample sauces. Thanks for clarifying that.

  • Reply Rachel February 23, 2017 at 1:39 pm

    We were first introduced to Q Daddy’s through their catering services, which they had been offering prior to opening their first storefront. I love that everything is hand-crafted and made from scratch each morning. I know that affects the price, but for the quality, I am happy to pay that knowing I and my family aren’t eating junky fast food. I love the atmosphere and the menu offers a variety of flavors and options. The a la carte option is actually better for my family, my kids would rather just eat sides than a whole meal. We always leave stuffed and looking forward to our return visit. A little tip, if you go as a family, order the to-go size sides and split them around the table, this is more cost effective for us and I feel like we can sample a little of everything without eating too much! Next time you go, try the fizzy limonade – so good and on a hot day they are very refreshing!

    • Reply Patrick February 23, 2017 at 9:33 pm

      Rachel, Thank you so much for the tips. It’s great to hear from their other customers. On our last visit we did share a basket of fries and that seemed to be cheaper than two separate orders. Will check out the family sized sides next time. Thanks again.

  • Reply brad February 26, 2017 at 10:14 pm

    now that’s good lookin’ Que! smoke ring & bark! that’s what I’m talking about!

    • Reply Patrick February 27, 2017 at 7:14 pm

      It was all good. The homemade sides were great too. Give them a try one day.

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